The BlomCast looks at turning points in history, which have always fascinated me. My name is Philipp Blom, I am a historian and broadcaster and author of many books about the Enlightenment, the story of modernity and climate history. The climate catastrophe places us at the greatest historical turning point hin human history. What, if anything, can we learn from moments in the past in which a model of life seemed to change, or had to change, in which whole societies were transformed?
[21] Katy Hessel — The Story of Art without Men
Philipp Blom
Season 1
Episode 21
In this episode I talk about the amazing history of women artists, and of who is written into history, and who isn’t. Katy Hessel writes not only about female artists, but also about ways of seeing, of telling stories, and of telling the story of humanity. Why were women, even if they had been hugely successful artists in their own time, written out of history? And why is it still necessary to make this point? Katy Hessel is a passionate advocate — not only for women artists, but also for a better, more inclusive and richer way of approaching art, and life.